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Largymore Primary School Lisburn

Disgusting Digestion

15th Nov 2020

Cutting the sandwich with our teeth.
Cutting the sandwich with our teeth.
Mashing the sandwich with our molars along with added saliva.
Mashing the sandwich with our molars along with added saliva.
The food has travelled to our stomachs where it is turned into a soup like consistency.
The food has travelled to our stomachs where it is turned into a soup like consistency.
The contents of the stomach then travel to the small intestines. In the small intestines all the useful nutrients are removed and sent to where they are needed in the body.
The contents of the stomach then travel to the small intestines. In the small intestines all the useful nutrients are removed and sent to where they are needed in the body.
Then the remaining food is sent to the large intestine where the last of the water is removed.
Then the remaining food is sent to the large intestine where the last of the water is removed.
Any waste left over then leaves the body when you visit the toilet.
Any waste left over then leaves the body when you visit the toilet.